Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Where have I been? Random update.

How is it almost summer? I can't believe we have been living in this house for almost a year, in some ways it feels like yesterday and in others it feels like ages ago! The last couple of weeks I haven't had a lot of time to put aside for blogging unfortunately, so I thought I'd share a random update about how things have been going.

We built a playground in our backyard. Seems like it should be a simple endeavor, but it most certainly was not. It took over a week and now I have a bunch of landscaping to do to finish it off.
I went for a not-so-great 14k run on Sunday. With the Rock 'n' Roll Seattle half in about a month, I'm trying to maintain the half distance comfortably, but this run just wasn't meant to be. It's unrelated to my injury, but I haven't been feeling 100% and I'm not totally sure what's going on, but it better sort it self out soon!
I'm getting ready for my first Color Me Rad race this weekend in Surrey! I'll be doing it with a friend who is not a runner, so we are planning on walking it together and enjoying the event. We've even created our own team called "Chase the Rainbow"! Be ready for some awesome pictures!
I'm still working on that HUGE chapter for school before my practicum. I'm a little over half way through which is a lot less than I wanted to be at this point considering I wanted to finish it by the end of this coming weekend, there's still hope, but my chances are starting to look slim... So my blogging may be intermittent for a while until I get my new routine sorted out. I've been getting up at 5:00AM about half the time so that I can get 3 hours in before my "mom duties" completely take over the day. Ideally, when I'm working I should be doing 5 hours a day, so right now it's just finding a way to make that a routine that I'm struggling with.
So with all of that, potty training, and preschool visits, it's been hard to sit down and write, never mind read, bake, and run!


  1. You are one busy running mama! Hope the color run is fun; I've always loved seeing peoples after pictures from those races!

  2. As long as you’re finding the time to bake (and eat) at least a few yummy treats that’s the main thing!
