Thursday, June 12, 2014

May Goals Recap and June (sort of) Goals

Gee, we're halfway through June and I haven't even done my goals recap/new goals... *sigh* that's just how things are going right now.

MAY Goals Recap:
1. Try to pace Brandi (and myself) to a sub 2:27 BMO Half Marathon
We tried really hard for this one (Race Review here), but Brandi was feeling awful and it just wasn't her day so we are going to go for it another time.

2. Just enjoy the rest of my May races.
In Portland, I set aside any time goals and just had lots of fun.

3. Finish my surgical chapter and start my practicum.
This is part of why you haven't seen much of me. I'm STILL not finished. I better be finished by the end of this week though... or I might completely lose my marbles.

I'm hesitant to set any goals right now, because admittedly I'm in a bit of a funk and I just want to crawl back into bed and not do anything for the rest of the month, but I'm going to do it anyway. Maybe it will help.
1. Read, Bake, & Run and maybe repeat?
And better yet blogging about all 3! I've been lacking on all fronts so I need to get back to doing what I love.

2. Finish Rock 'n' Roll Seattle Half without collapsing.
This could be difficult since I've hardly been running... see last point.

3. Get more organized.
I used to be good at this. But in the past year I've let it fall apart somewhat, maybe it has something to do with running 20+ half marathons and 2 marathons... For example, I hadn't been to the dentist or gotten my haircut in over a year, I fixed that yesterday but there's a lot more I would like to sort out and what better time than NOW!

4. Let's not forget finishing May's goals.
Really, this should be at the top of the list, but anyways... must get to my practicum.

Do you have any goals this month?


  1. My big goal: finally get an exact diagnosis on my knee so I can run again ... and stop stuffing my face. :(

  2. Hi! I can't believe we are in June already too! I have the same half marathon goal too but my race isn't till November. -M

  3. My goal: run again. Going on three weeks without barely moving a finger! Well, except to lift food to my mouth of course!
