There's something different about leaving your house to workout, I think I definitely work harder because I'm there so I might as well make my time worth it. I went to Good Life Fitness and tried the Body Attack class. I am totally uncoordinated so group fitness tends to make me a little nervous, but I actually had a really great time and I'm definitely thinking of trying some more classes. They also have a kids club/childminding area there so I might just be spending a lot more time at the gym... :)
Even when things are tough, I find being active, as hard as that can be, is really important. I haven't signed up for any races next year other than Seawheeze (yet) so I have some time to get my running mojo back and I'm kind of glad about taking some of my training inside for the winter months.
So if I've been quiet lately and my posts are few and far between, fear not, I'm getting fresh air, trying to stay active, and spending time with the people who matter.
I'm working on some posts for next week including my race reviews for the Oasis Rock 'n' Roll Vancouver Cunningham Seawall 10k and Half Marathon, and an outline of some of the different books I've been reading.
Nice article, thank you for sharing