Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Calgary Marathon Update

Before I left for Vegas, I mentioned how I have been struggling with my foot/ankle pain still and it has majorly threatened my training for the full marathon in Calgary. What I didn't say, maybe because I wasn't ready to say it out loud yet, was that very night I chose to downgrade to the half distance.

It was a hard decision even though I believe that it's very unlikely I would have made it to the marathon finish line without further injury. At the beginning of this year I set out to run 3 full marathons in a matter of months and as it turns out, I have only and will only run 1 this year.

The full marathon is just a whole other ball game, one that my foot isn't strong enough for right now. It's taken a couple weeks, but I'm happy that I'm still able to run the half distance with mild pain/discomfort. And hey, I'm still a marathoner, just not training for one right now.

I think sometimes when you've reached certain goals it's hard to see all the milestones that got you there in the first place. I need to remember that a half marathon is still an accomplishment and something I can definitely be proud of.

So now you know. How's your training coming along?


  1. I think it's great that you realized your injury is too limiting and are going down to the half. I know it's soo hard to make that choice but its worth it. Better to be able to run a half than push yourself and not be able to run at all! See you on June 1! I'm doing the 10km

    1. Thanks. Unfortunately due to the cost of travel, my entire race might be up in the air. I might have to admire the amazing medals from afar...

  2. I'm sorry to hear you've had to drop back. It is a really hard decision to make but it sounds like a smart one. You don't want to risk further injury.

    Are you still running the half in Vancouver this weekend? I hope to see you out there! I will be in the pink corral again this year!

    1. Yes I'm running the half and will be in the pink corral again too! See you there :)

    2. Hey! I'm running the Vancouver half too! I don't know what corral I'm in though. I had to downgrade from the full so I totally feel your pain Krista.

  3. Sorry to hear about your race plan change, but it's definitely the right thing to do. No one wants to be injured (or more injured). I've given up the plan for my first full marathon this fall (due to injury) and it's hard letting it go so I feel ya! But great job on focusing on the positive :)
    PS. I finally bought The Fault in Our Stars and read half of it on my plane ride home yesterday. I can't wait to finish. Did you see they're coming out with a movie? (That sparked my motivation)

    1. Full marathon is so different than a half, I think if you're not 100% it is best to put in hold. I know you will get there, give yourself time.

      That book is great. I saw the preview for the movie... I'm not sure about it. They never quite meet my expectations when I've read it.

  4. booo but better to save that foot and not risk further injury. I had hoped we would be in same corral, but not sure if we are. Hoping for a BDAY run that is a personal best...but we will see never having run in vancouver or in a race this big! Calgary will be uber fun too!

  5. Ugh, downgrading a race is always a really hard decision.
    I hope we're all able to meet up when you're in Calgary in June! :)

    1. It really is. If I don't make it to Calgary I really do hope we get another opportunity to meet. I really enjoy reading your blog and I'm so glad I've found it through training for Calgary.

  6. Wise move, and you're still going to be at the startline.

    1. Thanks Peter. It looks like I may or may not be there depending on the flight prices/points and some other personal issues I need to work out. I look forward to following your journey.

  7. It sounds like you made the right decision for you at this time, given the realities of your foot injury and that you are content with your decision even given the extra time to reflect. The half is my favourite distance and I may even choose to run nothing but halts next year. Enjoy yours Krista! See you SOON!!!

    1. Thanks Michelle for all of your support. The half is also my favorite distance, I've found the full distance to be so much more mentally and physically draining. You are going to rock it though, and I can't wait to read about your experience on the day.

  8. So sorry to hear that your foot is still giving you trouble and that you had to downgrade to the half :( On the bright side, you will still be running an amazing half marathon and I'm jealous of that!

  9. Sorry to hear that you won't be joining us! But take care of your body. That's what is important.
