Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I don't want to run.

There I said it.

I don't always like writing when I feel like I'm lacking inspiration, but I'm all for honesty and I haven't written in almost a week.
This doesn't happen very often but I'm just not feeling it right now. It probably has a lot to do with the strep throat I'm still getting over and my foot injury, but mentally my head is totally out of the game.

I went for a slow 7k run yesterday as I was unable to run on Sunday, still being ill. Today was really "blah", just felt like getting it done. I have work to do and races to get ready for. And though I'm not feeling inspired, I know that there's a run around the corner that will be the amazing one I need to clear my head and forget all about this. I just wish that run could happen tomorrow but unfortunately I have no control over that. 

I always feel so conflicted when this happens. Over the last year I've come to define myself as a runner. It's part of who I am now, so what does it say when I have no desire to do something that I love? I know it's temporary, but it feels so wrong, so unlike me. 

Now tell me about your running and send me some inspiration cause I'm gonna need it. My next race is in 10 days...


  1. Krista, I think this happens to all of us at some point. Being ill and recovering from a foot injury can definitely cause the running blahs! Sometimes you just need to shake it up a bit...try a new run route, run with a friend, put together a new playlist...something that will get you excited about that new run. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Leana, I'm definitely going to try some of those things this week.

  2. Do you want to do something else instead? I usually do extra yoga or swim and get a massage and then I am hankering to run again! :)

    1. I'm also going to bootcamp 2 or 3 times a week early in the morning and it's going well, I guess I'm just feeling unmotivated right now.

  3. I think its normal to feel this way sometimes. I'm in a total funk right now because I'm injured and can't run. I'm sure when I can run again, I'm gonna have some tough days. So I just try to focus on finding other things that find me joy (bad run? no problem, watch a good movie to cheer up or call a friend and chat). The spark will be back soon, have patience.

    1. Great idea Jessica, I'm currently distracting myself with school and watching The Good Wife on Netflix...

  4. I've totally been there, it's really tough to run when you aren't feeling motivated. I usually make deals with myself. Like I only have to run half the distance and then I can continue on or stop. The majority of the time I keep going, and if I do stop, then I'm happy I went out to do something. I think sometimes our bodies just need a bit of an extra break, too, so try not to feel too badly about it :)

  5. Chin up! You wouldn't be a runner if you didn't have those odd days, weeks and even months of low motivation. It's okay not to run. You're still a runner. Take a break. Enjoy life outside of the running world.

  6. I am totally the same way! If I feel blah I don’t blog, I don’t read blogs, I stay away from Twitter…my heart’s just not in it. It takes some time to feel better after a rotten illness. Give yourself time, you’ll be there before you know it.

  7. Okay just my opinion, but when you mentioned you have a race in 10 days I was like "Oh that's why she doesn't want to run!". I just ran 2 half marathons within a 5 week period and by the end of half training #2 I was miserable and hating running. That ended a week and a half ago! Last night I went out for an unplanned run around Philly and had the best time ever! I think it's because I didn't have to stress over my pace or distance. It's hard to have a run like that while training for something. Just remember that after your race you can run for fun again. That amazing perfect run really is right around the corner! Good luck in your race!

  8. Hang in there, and try not to put too much pressure on yourself! This happens to all of us at times, with running, work, life etc.. But you're so right, that run that will get you right back into it is right around the corner.

    Personally, I always give myself a few days of rest from running when this happens to me, enjoying other kinds of exercise or just walks and rest. And I won't go for a run until my heart/body is REALLY craving it, screaming for it, which usually happens sooner than later. And once it happens, my motivation and love for running is usually right back where it was.
    Be nice to yourself, stay positive and good luck!

  9. Krista, this is why I am closed to custom sewing orders right now! My heart is not at the sewing machine because I am feeling pulled in too many directions. So, I decided to take a break from it. I know that it won't be long and I want to tackle a few of my own projects in the meantime - or maybe not. When I start again, I will be glad to have "rested" and excited to go back.

    Even since I picked up running again, I've had the same problems with "I don't want to run." You've seen the struggles I've been having with brain vs. body.

    So it will pass, you're in good company and enjoy something different for a few days (or however long it takes). Don't lose the joy!

  10. Sorry that you are feeling like this, I would say distract yourself, I love to bake for others, which is fun or do other forms of exercise, cause if you are like me it is needed almost daily! Yoga is great and requires a ton of focus to distract you :)

  11. I've gone through the running blahs too, and have questioned myself the same way. How can I be a runner if I hate it? But, it always passes! I have found that if I have races scheduled, it's easier to get out there and run. I feel like I have no choice. But if I don't have any scheduled, it's easy for me to make excuses not to. Which baffles me, cuz I love running! Lol! I have a marathon #4 on Saturday!
