Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Book Review: After Her by Joyce Maynard

I have to be honest, there's no great reason that I picked up this book. It was recommended to me by Kobo, presumably because I read Labor Day, but it didn't really stand out all that much on it's own. It was a good price and I was lacking inspiration to read something, so I bought it. 
My Rating (via GoodReads): 4/5 stars.
Kobo Price: $11.99

This book surprised me, I actually really liked it. In my opinion, it was a lot better than Labor Day.

It's about 2 girls, sisters, living in San Francisco starting in 1979. Their dad is a police detective and that year he gets a really high profile case revolving around the murders of several young women in the area. His young daughter's, Patty and Rachel become consumed by the case also, intent on helping their Dad in some way, which of course goes terribly wrong. 30 years later, Rachel is still searching for the killer and in turn starts to learn more about her father's mysterious life.

The author fooled me a few times and I enjoyed that, I didn't find it to be predictable. Again, it's another quick read, which is apparently all I've been reading lately.

What are you reading? 

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